Reasons For Choosing Hair Transplant in Pakistan

Excessive, unexplained hair loss can be scary and worrying. But, the good news is that it can be fixed. The most common cause of hair loss according to American academy of dermatology is due to genetics. Hair loss which is caused due to genetics factors is also known as and rogenetic alopecia. The gene can be either inherited from your father’s side or your mother’s side of the family. There are millions of women suffering from thyroid disease. Thyroid hormone is responsible practically for everything, the rate at which your body uses energy and oxygen to function, to basal metabolic rate, to the growth of skin, hair, and nails. But if there is no right amount of this hormone, then there may be significant changes in the functions of the body.

The most popular discoveries of the 20th century is Hair Transplant which has been tried, perfected over time, and tested by worldwide thousands of people. There have been many modern techniques which have been devised and it is taken over decades for perfecting hair transplant. FUE method or Follicular unit Extraction and FUT or strip removal are the 2 most general techniques which are used in performing a hair transplant. FUT is the former traditional method whereas, FUE hair transplant discovered in the 1990’a is considered to be the most modern method. Patients looking for solution regarding the hair fall must choose between the two above mentioned options for them.

The most advanced technique for hair restoration in current times is follicular unit extraction procedure. Before the patients qualifies for an FUE transplant a qualified surgeon usually, examines the suitability first. The density of the hair, the amount of donor hair is just the few factors which will decide how much portion of the bald area of the scalp can be effectively covered. At Hair transplant Melbourne clinic, an experienced surgeon undertakes this baldness treatment. During the FUE hair transplant surgery, the surgeon extracts hair follicles from the beard, back of the head, or any other part of the body which is also termed as the donor site. The extraction of the follicles is done by using a micro punch. With the help of the micro blade, these follicles are then implanted on to the thinning patch or bald patch of the scalp.

The entire procedure is performed under local anesthesia, therefore non-invasive. In a session, generally 500 to 3,000 grafts are expected to be transplanted. The number of sessions needed by the patient differs from each patient. There are some patient which may just require only one session. But, if the hair loss is more, then more than one session is expected. FUE hair transplant is considered to be quite comfortable and safe procedure. Most patients hardly experience pain or discomfort during or following the procedures. After the surgery, patients are expected to take care while massaging and washing their hair on regular basis. Hair Transplant Services in Pakistan help males to restore the beard and is the restoration surgery for men to enjoy their beards again.

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